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APPLICATION PROTOCOL- Hypertension (Research Association)

Guest article: research association, project Wert(e)voller Garlic

Welcome to the application protocol for using garlic tincture to treat high blood pressure, its benefits, dosage recommendations and much more.


Introduction – Indications for high blood pressure:

This application protocol is dedicated to using Garlic Extract to treat high blood pressure, a common medical condition. High blood pressure can cause serious health risks, including heart disease and stroke. In this protocol we will suggest the indications and recommendations for the use of IQ Garlic Extract in the control of blood pressure. This natural preparation can be a valuable addition to conventional therapies and help improve patient health. We will carefully consider the benefits, dosage recommendations and possible interactions to ensure safe and effective use.

Objectives of treatment with the garlic extract:

The main goal of this treatment is to regulate high blood pressure effectively and sustainably. The IQ TAGES-TINK garlic extract is a natural dietary supplement that has been tried and tested for thousands of years and can help you increase your vitality, strengthen your immune system and supply your body with important nutrients. The IQ TAGES-TINK is a garlic extract that is practically water-soluble for the first time and is perhaps even unique in the world in terms of its effect. Learn how you can benefit from this natural product to boost your health.

Important notes on protocol compliance:

Consequence: Treatment with the garlic tincture is almost the simplest form of an application protocol for such an effective and natural dietary supplement. Provided you overcome the hurdle of “the special taste” of the garlic tincture. Once the user has recognized the benefits and effects of the IQ-TINK garlic extract, it is no problem to take the extract daily. The main thing is to gently distribute the 15 drops or alternatively 5 sprays of the extract in the morning and/or mid-morning and keep them in the mouth for 5 minutes. That's it! Continuous use is crucial because with the garlic tincture you build up a form of depot in the body within 3 days. You simply have to maintain this “garlic” depot later with your daily intake. There is no physical habituation effect and also no “dreaded” indirect body odor!

The correct intake schedule for the IQ Garlic ENERGY-TINK (via the oral mucosa) :

1. Quick start :

Recommendation: Start the first 3-4 days with 10 to 15 drops directly on the tongue in the morning. Distribute the drops gently in the mouth for 3-5 minutes for optimal absorption through the oral mucosa. As soon as you notice the IQ-Energy effect, reduce to your individual feel-good amount, around 5-10 drops daily. The amount required varies depending on body weight and constitution. Goal: Building an IQ garlic depot in the body without indirect body odor! (Spray attachment 1 spray is 3 drops)

2. Soft start :

Alternative: Start more gently with 2 drops, three times a day. Increase the amount gradually every day (for example on the 2nd day: 3 drops 3 times, on the 3rd day: 4 drops 3 times). Once you have noticed the IQ Energy effect, you can switch to taking between 5 and 10 drops once daily in the morning.

3. Restart :

Taken a break? Then replenish the IQ depot in the body and choose either the quick-start or soft-start approach for optimal results.

General information and cause work:

In order to make the most of your recovery journey, it is important to understand the background to your high blood pressure later on. Review your emotional & medical history and any previous treatments you received before or because of your diagnosis. This includes, for example: past medications, therapies, amalgam seals or alternative approaches. Observe the current symptoms and complaints that are related to high blood pressure. In order to fundamentally “resolve” the health issue (cause), further discussions, therapies or supplements will be necessary. That's why your personal research, observation skills, openness and information are crucial in order for the doctor or therapist to be able to offer you the best possible support later on.

The natural remedy GARLIC:

The healing effects of garlic have been known for thousands of years and have been scientifically proven in thousands of studies since the 1970s. We know today: Garlic is much more than just a kitchen spice; it's a wealth of health benefits in one small tuber. Rich in allicin, organic germanium and quercetin, as well as a variety of minerals such as magnesium, calcium and potassium, garlic is a true health powerhouse. These natural ingredients are known for their antioxidant, antibiotic and vasodilator properties. According to Tibetan tradition, a special garlic treatment can even rejuvenate the vascular system by up to 16 years. This makes garlic a versatile and effective remedy that goes far beyond its culinary uses.

The garlic tincture: Garlic Tincture is a natural supplement specifically designed to help you manage your chronic lack of energy. The main component, garlic, is known for its diverse health benefits. This tincture contains high-quality ingredients that can boost your energy, strengthen your immune system, and promote your overall vitality. The IQ TAGES-TINK is available in different flavors:

Information video from UNDA about the IQ DAY-TINK

The renowned expert for alternative medicine and best-selling author Christian Opitz has recorded a sensational "SHORT VIDEO" about the practically water-soluble garlic extract from

See video: Link to video

The effectiveness of the garlic extract is based on the natural properties of garlic, which can improve blood circulation, regulate cholesterol levels and supply the cells with important nutrients. This can lead to increased energy and well-being. Quote from Christian Opitz: "It is particularly good news that there is now (note: with the practically water-soluble garlic oil from a dosage form of garlic without any disadvantages, with all the advantages!" A video with a lot of information regarding garlic, effects, strophantine and much more. Many know garlic as a superfood with incredible health benefits, but also certain disadvantages when consumed in its raw form. Christian Opitz takes us through the innovative processing of garlic, which makes it possible to avoid all of these disadvantages and maximize the positive properties. The two garlic products from UNDA are based on the practically water-soluble garlic extract from, the IQ TAGES-TINK, which finally makes daily use possible without the known undesirable effects of garlic.

Possible side effects and precautions:

The garlic tincture is generally well tolerated. It is important to note that garlic may potentially interact with certain medications. If you are taking medication, talk to your doctor or pharmacist before using the tincture.

Nutrition and lifestyle: A balanced diet (little or no sugar, fewer carbohydrates) and a healthy lifestyle (exercise) support the effect of the tincture.

Communication: Please keep us updated on your progress and any concerns you may have. We are here to support you.

Attachments and Resources:

For further information and in-depth knowledge, we have also compiled a list of resources and literature references. You can use these to expand your understanding of chronic energy deficiency and its treatment. Our recommendations may include books, academic articles or websites that provide reliable and informative content.

  • Link to the homepage and further information in the blog:
  • Link to the IQ-TINK presentation: in-the-company
  • Link to an impact questionnaire (company context) from
  • Link to the Telegram group (current information and exchange):

    The appendices and information are designed to enrich your recovery with additional resources and deepen your knowledge of health and wellness. We hope these materials will be useful to you on your journey to overcoming chronic energy deficiency.

    Further research with the association :

    We invite you, as a responsible consumer and member of our community, to conduct your own research. A selection of recommended information sources and specialist books is available online and can be found via Google, for example. Your feedback and ratings are valuable to us in order to ensure the quality and transparency of our protocols for all members.

    Disclaimer: Please note that as a research association we assume no liability for the recommended products, the links provided or the content of external websites.

    Information: If you have any pre-existing illnesses or health concerns, we recommend that you consult your doctor or pharmacist before using dietary supplements or usage recommendations from the protocol.

    Recommended products for the application protocol:

    For optimal implementation of the protocol, we recommend the following products. Follow the dosage recommendations in the product description or on the product label:

    • Monthly rations 20ml

    20ml IQ DAY TINK Pure

    • or monthly rations in a reinforced and flavorful version

    20ml IQ DAY-TINK founder mix (body-mind-soul):


    20ml IQ DAY TINK MUT (testosterone):


    Contact information

    Valuable garlic - research project

    Contact person: Dietmar Schwarz - Association for the promotion of communities & organization of neighborhood assistance
    ZVR number: 1102748783, Otto-Probst-Straße 36/5/1, 1100 Vienna, Austria,
    Telephone: +43 650 8420711, Mail: , WEB:

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