Knoblauch als Game-Ganger in der Welt der natürlichen Gesundheitslösungen?

Garlic as a game-changer in the world of natural health solutions?

✨PDF DOCUMENT for the lecture & thank you and event review 15.3.


Garlic as a game-changer in the world of natural health solutions?

We would like to thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts who enriched our event in Vienna last night! It was a wonderful and inspiring evening and we are delighted with the great interest in the IQ-TINK® products. Special thanks also go to our IQ Garlic ambassadors who celebrated the evening with us!

Review of the event

Lecture by Dietmar Schwarz:
Dietmar gave us an exciting insight into how IQ-TINK® works and explained how the tincture can promote cell health, physical health and mental health. You can find the PDF of the presentation in the appendix.

The most important points of the lecture:
👉 The cause of illness is lack of energy!?
👉 The body is a self-healing instrument!? (e.g. in the case of cuts or fever)
👉 Stress and poisoning disrupt the body's self-healing process.
👉 Poisoning by environmental influences (physical) or emotions and negative thought patterns (mental)
👉 Physical detoxification can be supported with IQ-TINK®.
👉 Spiritual detoxification can be supported with the book "Die Weltenluege".
👉 Dietmar explained the production of the tincture and the special features of IQ-TINK®.
👉 Current distribution and sales forms

IQ-TINK® – The practically water-soluble garlic tincture with a special effect! Increase your life energy, vitality and mental performance with IQ-TINK®!

Thanks again for coming!

Your IQ-TINK® Team

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